Certis Belchim B.V. FN 488929p

This is a foreign company with a registered branch office in Austria. Branches that are established within Austria are obliged to register in the Business Register. For more information please visit: WKO
Name according to the Business Register Certis Belchim B.V.
Business Register number 488929p
Address Stadsplateau 16
3521AZ Utrecht, NLD
1 Registered Branches
Branch 001
Name Certis Belchim B.V. Austrian Branch
Website https://www.certiseurope.at
Address Grazer Straße 34/TOP 3.4
8200 Gleisdorf, Steiermark
Telephone number 0049 40 236 52-0
Fax 0049 40 236 52-255
Type of business entity (legal form) Besloten Vennootschap
VAT No. ATU73047516
Year established 2018/2022
Products and services